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1.9 Town background

Each town starts with a historical background giving the town certain benefits.


1 - Farming community

As a farming community people are used to taking care of themself, most know how to handle a gun if it comes to safety. This town starts with a positive food income, a large food reserve, Fertilizer research level 2, Spearhead research level 1 and a discount on both researches.

2 - Forest town

Surrounded by a dense forest this community is hard to reach and map. This town starts with a positive wood income, a large wood reserve , Sawmill research level 2, Honeypot research level 1 and a discount on both researches.

3 - Quarry town

The solid ground and hills offer lots of space for quarries together with many natural defensive positions.This town starts with a large stone reserve, Diamond Drill research level 2 and Defense in depth research level 1 and a discount on both researches.

4 - Oil town

Specialized in drilling for oil and lots of good natural oil reserves. This town starts with a large fuel reserve, a refinery, Refining research level 2, Biomass Efficiency research level 1 and a discount on both researches.

5 - Industrial town

Before the outbreak this town had an booming industry and produced a lot of goods. This town starts with 2 windmills, a large cash reserve, Generator research level 2, Building projects research level 1 and a discount on both researches.

6 - Market town

This town used to be a hotspot of trading, attracting many business people. This town starts with a higher amount of housing, a large cash reserve, Tax Office research level 2, Trade stimulation research level 1 and a discount on both researches.


1 - Offensive

Specialized in offensive actions

2 - Defensive

Specialized in buildings strong defenses

3 - Economical

Makes money

4 - Operations

Snip snip

5 - All-rounder

A bit of everything

Next Chapter - > 2. Resources